Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find answers to some common questions.
But we know FAQs can't cover everything. If your question isn't here, contact us
What computer operating system and database is used for Vintners Advantage?
What kind of security is available for Vintners Advantage?
How does the software licensing work?
What printing options are available?
Do I have to memorize codes?
Can I create my own codes?
How do I get help if I have a problem?
Is there documentation?
How do I get software updates?
1. What computer operating system and database is used for Vintners Advantage?
Vintners Advantage operates on the Rocket Software UniVerse database residing on Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems (2012, 2016 and 2019)
2. What kind of security is available for Vintners Advantage?
UniVerse supports Active Directory so users may use their existing Windows network logins and passwords.
Vintners Advantage also has application level user security. This allows each user to have a menu with only the programs that they are authorized to use. In the bottling, casegood sales and distribution and financial management modules, user security is also available by company and warehouse.
3. How does the software licensing work?
The software database license is concurrent. The client may be installed on many workstations. Only the in use client sessions use a license.
Each user can have multiple windows active.
4. What printing options are available?
Reports may print to printer, PDF, screen, or files.
Many reports have intelligent filters that allow the user to customize the report by answering the prompts/questions on the filter screen.
Intelligent queries can be easily exported to Excel
5. Do I have to memorize codes?
Each module has user defined master tables. Listers are active at prompts that reference tables, so that the user does not have to memorize codes.
Tables are delivered with the software so that the user doesn’t have to start from scratch in defining varieties, operation codes, appellations, transaction codes, wine types, etc.
6. Can I create my own codes?
User defined tables are utilized so that the user may customize master file tables to their business.
7. How do I get help if I have a problem?
MIS Corp provides help desk support Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time. During Harvest, this support is provided 7 x 24 at no additional charge.
8. Is there documentation?
On-line help is available at every prompt by hovering the mouse over the prompt. More detailed help may be accessed by double clicking inside the prompt. Software documentation is provided electronically.
9. How do I get software updates?
Vintners Advantage delivers major software releases and enhancements no fewer than two times per year. Releases are normally published in February and again before Harvest of each year.